Does it sound ungrateful??

My husband works from home and I am appreciative of him. But I’m 29 weeks pregnant and just annoyed. I finally have energy after months of extreme fatigue which not only caused but pregnancy but anemia. I clean up the house he leaves messes. I ask for dishes to be done when I cook sometimes because my back will hurt when standing too long. I don’t sleep very well at night anymore. I toss and turn, my back or pelvis hurts at night. So I end up taking a nap in the day. He wakes me up most times being very loud with playing something on his phone. Speaking very loud or just plain waking me up. He tells me I’m ungreatful because he works and thinks I want to be waited on hand and foot during my pregnancy but I don’t! I just want simple things. If he knows I have trouble getting up help me! If he knows I have trouble sleeping threw the night let me take a nap! If he knows I finally had a burst of energy and cleaned pick up after himself! If he knows I wasn’t feeling good in the morning and knows cold water helps bring me water and maybe toast! It’s simple things I feel I shouldn’t have to ask my husband of 8 years. And im being called ungreatful. I’m in so much pain every day no matter how hard I try to get things done threw the day. Before pregnancy I worked but I took naps when I wanted we had no kids. Now I feel it’s being looked at as I’m still lazy. I cook dinner almost every day if we don’t go out for a craving. I’m the only driver so I driver everywhere to pick up whatever. Idk ladies help me out