

my husband & i have been together for almost 13 years, since high school, we have 3 kids together (12, 10, & 3) & our marriage, like all has had ups & downs.

lately i feel like the downs outweigh the ups. i’m trying to work on my mental health (last baby & covid really did a number on me) while being a SAHM & i just feel so unappreciated.

my husband works from home most days but we hardly talk bc he’s “working” on the computer. his “working” mostly consists of watching movies for hours on end on the computer. he says he does it to pass the time by while working on stuff but he’s literally just staring at the screen. while i’m doing mom stuff at home.. chasing a 3 yr old, lugging the 2 older ones to practices & school, & doing house chores.

he is a selfish & inconsiderate person.. he just thinks of himself before everyone else. even when i’ve tried to tell him that he does it, nothing seems to change. his communication skills are at a zero. if he’s upset with me, i’ll never know bc he won’t tell me & when i try to express my feelings, i get nods & a hug maybe. i’ll cry & spill everything & he’ll just sit there & stare.

i know this sounds all over the place. he’s a good man & a great father. i just feel like i let the behavior go on for so long & now it’s my fault bc i want more & he is just comfortable with the way things are.

i just want to feel loved & appreciated.. or even like someone actually sees me.