Night feeds


Hi! I have a 5 month old who wakes up 3x a night to eat. I decided to start increasing his day bottles to help compensate for what he’s drinking at night. However, he still waking up at normal times HUNGRY. I will state that he did drink less than he usually does. Usually would drink 6oz but now seems satisfied with 3.5oz.

He’s actually great at self soothing as I see him stir and kick about throughout the night and fall back asleep with no crying. He also immediately goes to sleep after feeding him with no fuss. My ultimate goal is to get him sleeping longer stretches. He’s at 3-4 hour stretches. I am completely grateful for this by the way! But, I do feel he doesn’t need these night feedings as his day time feeds should be enough. 6-7 ounce bottles every 2-3 hours.

Please help a mama out...