Is this controlling or is he just selfish?

Before i got pregnant in 2018 i was working. I enjoyed my job and had work friends that I would often socialise with outside of work. When i got pregnant i carried on working there until i was around 4/5 months, the type of job i had made it kinda hard for me to continue because it involved a lot of heavy lifting etc. So my partner suggested i give up work to become a sahm. I agreed, and i left. We were okay for money so it was all good. Fast forward to after our child was born in 2019, our relationship started going wrong for many reasons i wont get into because I’d be here all day! My partner has quite a few sports hobbies and I’ve never once said anything, or minded him going out most nights to do his running, swimming, cycling, football, gym, or golfing with his dad. All while i was in the house with the baby, having no time for any hobbies i might have, or any time with friends. Any time we argued I’d never bring it up because at the time i just got on with it so i guess he got comfortable with his free lifestyle and doing what he wanted to do. Back last year i was thinking of going back to work because i missed it, i found a job that would have been ideal as it was working nights, so our child would be in bed, we wouldn’t have to pay anyone for childcare and he wouldn’t have to do much to look after her because she’d be sleeping. It was only part time, so it would have been 3 nights a week. I was looking forward to it just to get me some time out of the house and seeing other adult faces for a change! When i brought it up to him i expected him to be happy for me, especially as I’d be bringing a little bit of extra money in. Instead he looked pissed off and said “there goes my swimming then” because it would be the nights he goes swimming. So I didn’t take the job just to keep him happy! But if we ever argue about him not doing much for our child he always throws in my face how he works and I don’t, so basically he thinks he doesn’t need to pull his weight as a parent! Im ready to leave over this, im living as a single parent anyway so it makes no difference if i just go.