
So I am currently 10 days past the day I ovulated! This cycle has been a roller coaster of feeling like poo all around!

Right from the moment I ovulated to the moment I am right now I have never felt so uncomfortable before. Last time I felt this way was when I was 39 weeks pregnant with my last and my whole pelvis felt as if it was going to explode!

I am a relatively active and healthy woman and rarely get ill. No headaches, I never have severe cramps during my cycle.

Usually PMS is a dull ache and some mood swings (usually anger) and very sore breasts. Like I can’t touch them. Don’t even look at them kinda hurt!

This time they just are the way they are….nothing.

I don’t know if this is PMS or my body is deciding to revolt and send me on this wild ride!

From day one I experienced ovulation cramps. One side kinda deal! some ovulation bleeding lots of EWCM. And from then on I have had twinges and cramps and the last few days I’ve had headaches on and off and a feeling of just being unwell.

And my emotions are on red alert high! I am crying all the damn time. Every little thing. Just sitting there crying. Someone says they love me…I cry.

I tried to explain the feeling to my fiancé because he’s so concerned on why I am feeling this way. (I’m not acting normal)

I’m just aching!!! My pubic area, there is like this pulling aching twinges in my uterus area…this sucks bad!!! I spend the day shifting myself all the time cause I’m so uncomfortable. And I am flipping tired! Noon comes around…I gotta nap or I’ll fall over!

I dunno what it is but I will chalk all this damn crap up to my hormones going wild, be it because AF is planning to show or be it I finally got pregnant…I hate the waiting and guessing but I would embrace this overall feeling of ick….because there is a baby and NOT PMS!

I do plan on testing either today or tomorrow…cause this sucks!