
Baby number 2 due in November. I tried to breastfeed my first born but didn’t really have a lot of information about it. I want to get all information I can this go around I will most likely be on maternity leave for 12 weeks then going back to work. I’ve heard different things about breastfeeding/pumping like wake your baby up to feed, strictly breastfeed for a month before you start pumping, pump each breast after every feeding. I’ve also heard about mommas bringing their pump to hospitals to start pumping after delivery... it’s all confusing. Sounds like there is multiple ways and not just one right way of breastfeeding/pumping...

Since I’ll be going back to work I want to make sure I can find bottles that my little one will take and I want to be able to pump enough to have a stash for my baby sitter so I know I’ll have to monitor how many oz he is eating and how often he eats.