Milk bleb reseal


So I didn’t know I had a milk bleb- I woke up Monday morning with engorgement- my baby is 9 months so it’s been a while- it took me all day to get the bleb and clogged duct out- when I went to pull the bleb, it was massive and I just opened it to allow the milk to escape. I decided not to remove the whole thing after realizing my nipple was bleeding underneath. I thought it would just fall off. I believe it resealed over night and while I don’t believe I have a clogged duct yet, it’s evident I have the bleb or skin covering. I didn’t know they could reseal- all the things that worked Monday aren’t seeming to do the trick. Any ideas

My baby as 4 teeth going on 5/6- I’m assuming the difference in latch caused this. 🤷🏻‍♀️