Positive fFn test-26 weeks


Hello mommas! I’m looking for some input, support, similar stories, etc.

I am 26w2d with my second baby, a boy. I have been having some slight pelvic pressure and contractions since about 24 weeks, but was told by my doctor that it was normal with my 2nd pregnancy. Tuesday night I was having really regular painless contractions so decided to give my doctor a call yesterday, and they had me head to labor and delivery to be put on the monitors. I was still having smallish contractions while on the monitor so the on call doctor decided to perform the Fetal Fibronectin test since I went into PTL with my first at 33 weeks and was given the steroid shots to grow her lungs. My fFn test came back positive and my cervix is not dilated but I am 30% effaced.

I’m just hoping to hear some stories of mommas who were in similar situations, whether you delivered soon after a positive fFn test or not, etc.

I know a positive result doesn’t mean a lot, a positive result can mean so many different things. And no, I didn’t have sex within 48 hours of the test and she didn’t do my cervical exam until after she swabbed for the test. It’s still slightly unnerving which is why I’m interested in real life stories on what to expect. I have another doctors appointment in the morning but in the mean time if things get worse I’ve been directed to go to a specific hospital in our area with a NICU.

TIA! I’m hoping to not have another NICU baby this time around 😭