Alright… some TMI— can anyone relate?


Phew y’all. I am really feeling it today. 39 weeks 2 days. Went to the doctor today. All is good. He’s comfy and has no intention of coming out 😂 won’t even talk about inducing until like the 24th. (4 days after my due date). I feel fine about that, rather give him time to fully bake!

The last two days I’ve definitely had increased cervical mucus— like a lot. I wouldn’t say “chunks” like a lot of people do— it’s definitely just mucus but goodNESS there’s a lot of it. I’ve also had really bad diarrhea for about 24 hours. I thought it was spicy food (we’re trying all the things over here) but it’s been going on for a while now so I’m hoping it means baby boy is getting restless and coming soon. Anyone have similar experiences and babe came shortly after? I know everyone is different just looking for some positive stories to get me through!