

I don’t know why when my bf gets drunk I find him annoying, it gets annoying and I get upset . He will tell me things like oh my friends are here but I’m not going and then say I’m just going to go to pick them up and ends up staying till the time the bar closes . But will keep texting me saying I’m leaving in a bit like every 30 mintues and it’s like don’t tell me until you actually are leaving. Also he hates this one street cause it’s expensive and crowded but yet he goes and it’s like then don’t tell me anything and then go. And the annoying part is , is that I wasnt allowed to go get coffee this morning (drive thru cofffee) because we didn’t have money yet he’s out at the bar with his best friend. And I know his best friend ain’t buyin his drinks the whole night. I find him being such a hypocrite . Like he can’t even stick to his own word.