I’m just so tired!!!!! Encouragement please


My boyfriend and I have been ttc for about 7 months. He went to the dr in the past and they told him his sperm wasn’t moving and fast forward to now he did another semen analysis and this time his sperm is moving it’s just that is count is at a 4 million. After I heard that I said to myself at least their moving but the count sucks it would definitely be a miracle if I conceived. Well here I am today about three days late and I took a test yesterday and to my surprise it was a vvvvfl but it was nothing I seen before since we been together. I took two more test the same day and negative but I was hopeful. I kept the test with the vvvfl and this morning the line was gone. I don’t k ow what to say at this moment besides I am very hurt and upset. I was hoping that this was the one. I don’t know what else to do at this moment.