Does this make me a bad person?

I knew going into it that he had a past with drugs because my best friend does to, and had mutual friends with him they actually smoked meth together years ago.

I don’t judge people by their past, I judge them by present.

I found out that I’m actually an idiot and this guy was on the DAILY, using both heroine and meth. He’s what you’d call a “functioning addict”

The only sign of his drug use was extreme up and down mood swings. I found out, and dumped him. I mean I was gone. I do not fuck with hard drugs, I’m not gonna date a man who’s using hard drugs because intend to marry and have kids one day and one thing I don’t want is a husband and father who’s not only addicted to hard drugs but is damn good at hiding it.

I found heroine in his car. a good amount too. That he had been driving around with me. He had that heroine in his car and was driving me and the heroine around. He could have ruined my life with that shit and I literally had no clue.

He has a kid. And he also drives around with his kid and the heroine, and i also found out he kept heroine in the kids backpack, so I told his family. As soon as I found the drugs his life just started falling apart. He lost his job, and he lost custody of his child. He had a mental break down. His family took him to a crisis center and now he’s staying with his mom and she texted me saying “he’s this long sober. He just wanted to let you know.”

His life falling apart had nothing to do with me. I told his family to make sure that child was safe and that’s what they did. Everything else, I had no part in.

He’s just.. I guess I can show y’all. Hang on

But in Short I walked away. Period. Gone. And I feel bad for it. Mostly because his mom and sister message me asking me to talk to him and I just ignore him still

I get that addiction is a disease, but I cannot handle all of this. He just lost his kid over it.

I cannot fix him. He needs to fix himself.

He just messaged me asking to come drink with him later and I just. Dude you need to stay sober. The screen shots above, I think he was drunk last night too.

My best friend is NOT an addict! My best friend is a single mother and an ICU nurse who works her ass off for everything she owns and had her own house at 22 years old. My best friend has a PAST with drugs but got sober and HAS BEEN sober for almost a decade. Yes, she smoked meth with my ex ALMOST A DECADE AGO. That literally has nothing to do with what I’m asking. I said I knew he had a past with drug and I knew it for a fact because she was involved but he fooled me into thinking he was clean. I do not judge people for their pasts specifically because of her,

If you want to call me stupid for not realizing he was high on this shit everyday of his life I don’t know what to tell you. Sorry I have no idea how hard drugs affect someone who is capable of holding down a job and keeping his life together until it gets wildly out of control and blows up.