Someone stole my freaking metformin

I have issues staying on top of taking my metformin so I just take it everywhere with me because I never stop moving.

Someone stole it. And I know who, and I KNOW they took it. My doctor calls it in by the boatload and the way the pharmacy labels it is weird. Like they put one large label on one bottle and then little stickers on the rest of them. The bottle I had with me, the sticker had fallen off.

Metformin is a diabetic medication I was put on because I have an insulin resistance due to PCOS

Good luck with your uh.. blood sugar dude because uh.

That is not whatever in the hell you thought it was. Hopefully they googled the pills before just eating it.

The first time you take metformin it destroys your gut. So they’re gonna crap themselves too if they didn’t take the time to figure out what they were taking