Pain in upper stomach


I’ve been having a really bad pain on the top part of my stomach, kind of under where my boobs sit. In the dead center. Touch between your boobs and go down about 2-3 inches, it’s so tender to the touch and hurts really bad. I also haven’t had any fetal movement in 2 days so I called the nurse on call today because it’s the weekend and she asked me to go to the hospital to get checked out. The did a stress test, which they couldn’t find the heartbeat for about the first 3-4 minutes. Once they found it and hooked me up the first 1/2 of my test I had zero accelerations and a few dips. But they gave me some apple juice and she started to move around a bit more. The doctor was very rushed, told me it was heartburn gave me an antacid and told the nurse to discharge me. I wasn’t given any info on why I’m having the pain (antacid did nothing for me, and I’m on Pepcid 2x a day prescribed by my OB)

Has anyone else had this type of pain before? I’m glad to know baby girl is fine, but this momma just wants a bit of relief!