Question about fetal movement


Hi all,

39 weeks 4 days over here! 👋🏼 Feeling pretty good and just rolling with whatever baby boy does right now— hoping he’ll make his appearance in the next few days! I have a question about fetal movement. I haven’t counted kicks since like 30 weeks because baby boy is a maniac. Like he moves all the dang time. As he’s gotten bigger, his movements have changed because there is less room- makes sense. These last two or three days his movements have been much less. Still definitely moving, but a lot less than I’m used to. I’m a first time mom, so legit everything freaks me out 😂 if I call the doctor they’ll have me count kicks- and he’s for sure kicking more than 10 times in 2 hours… I’m just being a worrier. Can any experienced mamas reassure me that this is normal and that he’s probably just sleeping more and has less space?! TIA!