12 Months


We are coming up on the 12 month mark of our miscarriage. I don’t care what anyone says, it doesn’t matter how far along you were. It still sucks. And then feeling like a failure for not being able to get pregnant again. 😔 it’s exhausting.

August 1, 2020 was our miscarriage. AF is due in 3-4 days. Normally I would be testing and analyzing everything. But I feel like I truly would be just setting myself up for heartbreak.

Trying to be healthier. Losing a little weight. Vitamins (both he and I). Eating better. Trying to not let sex feel like a chore and freely having it instead of focusing on green week.

I have three healthy, wonderful children. I know we are blessed. But man this still sucks.

Just venting. I guess there isn’t really a question. Just don’t have anyone else to talk to about things like this. You just hear the same things. “You weren’t that far along.” “When the time is right!” “It’s in gods hands.” “Maybe you should be happy for what you have?” “Three kids and you want more?!”

Ugh. Sorry. /rant.