Gave birth in the hospital parking lot 🤯



tldr: water broke at 8:15pm, baby was born at 9:53pm as we were walking up to the hospital!

I was feeling so down and discouraged this morning. I cried twice. Felt like I was going to be pregnant forever. Just was mentally feeling really low. Went in for a non stress test this morning and was given a sweep. Was only 1-2cm dilated, no changes for over a week.

Took my son to the park and beach this afternoon and was feeling a bit better. Met with a friend for dinner and my spirits were definitely up. Got home from dinner around 8:15 and as I was getting out of my vehicle I felt a pop and then I was soaked 😲 ok definitely my water! Go in and let my husband know. Call my mom to come get my son. Call my midwife to give her a heads up. Decide to stay home for a bit. Contractions started around 9pm and I started timing. Right away they were about 45 seconds long and only 2-3 minutes apart. I knew I was going to need/want some pain meds so around 9:30 I let my husband know we needed to go soon. Gave my midwife another call and she suggested staying home a bit longer until contractions were a bit longer/closer together, maybe try a bath or shower. I told her no I was going to head in soon. Things were already intense and I knew from my first labour that it was going to progress quick. We only live about 10 minutes from the hospital. On the way there contractions were almost back to back and super strong. My body was involuntary pushing before we arrived. We parked as close as we could but I was telling my husband I couldn’t walk. He was like well you’re gonna have to! So we start making our way. I couldn’t go very far before I had to stop and hold onto him telling him I needed help. Someone came up to us at the same time someone was coming out of emergency towards us. They rushed to get a chair. I suddenly felt like I was going to poop and when I felt down there the head was coming out!!! Holy shit! My husband was trying to coax me along and I just told him no I literally cannot move, the head is coming out. The staff were running back out with the chair and a dr in tow as my baby slipped out and I caught her! I was in complete shock! 9:53pm she was born, less than 2hrs from when my water broke.

She was perfect 😍 I only needed 1 stitch and we were given the option to stay or could head home. We stayed for a few hours but was home by 1:30am with a bowl of ice cream.

Still so shocked how it all happened!!