Feeling overwhelmed 😔


Back story. In 2017 I had my first son at 26 weeks. Due endometriosis, placenta diseases, placenta abruption, hypertension and Pre-E. I exclusively pumped for 5 months till my PPD got sever while he was in the NICU. My supply was great. Now my second who will be a month old on the 26th of July. I'm breastfeeding and pumping and bottle feeding because when I was in the hospital my supply didn't come in till day 5 😭 my little lost almost a pound. I was told at his pediatricians office we where going to be hospitalized if I didn't do formula or doner breast milk. We chose doner milk. The peds told me NOT to feed passed 30 minutes on the breast. 😒 when I pump I only get 1-3oz and thats it. I. So stressed that I'm not giving him what he needs to grow. I eat, drink lots of fluids, I'm taking my prenatal still, I'm drinking mothers milk tea. My little just doesn't gain weight fast. Our last appointment my little at 2 weeks old was only 6 pounds 9oz (his birth weight it 6pounds 10oz) the doctor to me freaked out. That she told me NOT TO BREASTFEED! For two weeks & just pump and add 1 1/2 teaspoons to 3/4 teaspoon of 22 calories formula to make 24 cal. Then she told me after the two weeks we can try and go back to breast. (I didn't do it. I'm still nursing) if he's hungry after feeding for 30 minutes then I give him a 2-4oz bottle. Sometimes when he feeds for 30 minutes as soon as he gets taken off the breats he cries because he's still hungry. This pediatrician has me so stressed that I'm not doing everything correctly. Sorry for the long post.😔 my grandmother says we just have small babies and small weight gains. I've seen lactation and all she did was give me a nipple shield. He refuses to latch without it. 😭