Doctor Prescribed Wrong Medication?


Hey y’all! This may be a longer post, so please bare with me😬 I also didn’t know where to post this😬

So I met with my OB/GYN last month and we ran some bloodwork again just to see where I was at after my first round of letrozole.

That same day my pharmacy gave me a call to let me know I had a prescription ready that I never heard about. I called my doctors office and asked what it was for, but they couldn’t reach my doctor so they said they would call me back.

Fast forward to a bit later that day, her nurse calls me and says that my bloodwork was abnormal and that’s why I was given it. At the time I was like alright that makes sense.

Almost a month later I go in and see my primary care doctor and she questions why I’m on it. I tell her what happened and she ended up showing me those labs my OB/GYN took and they were all perfectly normal.

Long story shorter😂, my primary doctor said my levels were perfect, but this medication could push me over into hyperthyroidism. I asked what would happen if that happened and she just said that comes with its own set of issues like high blood pressure. She then went to check my blood pressure that day vs all my previous appointments (including the OB one) and saw that the new one was high and all my others have been normal. 😅

I’m on my second round of letrozole now and I’m worried that this medication raised my numbers to hyperthyroidism. Is that able to be reversed? Will it effect this round of letrozole? Is it possible/okay to conceive if I do have hyperthyroidism now?😅