My so met my identical twin nieces and is amazed by just how absolutely identical they are.

They’re mirror twins. He asked me “oh my god could you have twins?” And I said “ugh yes” and he’s like “what kind?” (I just start talking here a lot I’m sorry) And I said “well I’m in line for either or both. My mom had fraternal twins, which means I am likely to have them since women who have fraternal twins naturally are called ‘hyper-ovulating mothers’ since they come from separate eggs. That’s past down from mother to daughter. My brother (my brother who had identical twins is a fraternal twin) and sister both had identical twins which just depends on a gene you get which was thought to be 100% on the mothers side but new data shows it’s not.

My grandmother also had fraternal and identical just like my nieces”

And he’s like “YES YES YES” and I almost was like “NO NO NO.”

But honestly I can’t control that and he can’t either. To me it feels like it’s pouring babies from the sky because everyone has been having twins. It’s like everyone has a nest full of babies and twins are HARD. It’s HAAARDD being a twin parent. Jeez, it’s hard just getting them here and keeping them in long enough sometimes and having twins early is extremely common. Nicu stays are heartbreaking. The nieces he met had twin to twin transfusion and are lucky to both be here they are literally miracles. Their birth and weeks after was terrifying and extremely hard to witness my sister go through. I know that it’s possible to carry twins full term believe me I KNOW it’s possible but if I have twins I’m going to have flash backs of my nieces almost dying and that’s going to be traumatic I just know it will be. Not to mention I’m short, I barely have a torso. How is this body supposed to house and cook two full people till they are ready? I do not see myself as physically capable.

On top of that.. I get sent on trips for shopping. They paid me to shop for them but then I stopped having them pay me. Babies are expensive as heck already. Imagine going to the store for very basic necessities needed for babies.

Now, double that. I went and got formula, diapers, and other super basic things I don’t remember and when the clerk rang that all up I almost shit myself and it was not even my money I was spending. These were basic needs!

Please god give me a singleton. I don’t care what he says this man doesn’t know what he’s saying.

This the Gemini coven don’t say that here sir.