Going to stop breastfeeding, feeling awful


I think tomorrow will be the beginning of the end of my breastfeeding journey. My goal wasn’t to make it to six months, but as long as I could. Six months is a lot of women’s goal, so I should be proud I’ve made it this far. I can’t help but feel almost feel guilty, almost like I’m doing something bad or wrong. Baby already gets formula, but switching him completely over makes me feel like I’m not giving him the best I can. Like maybe if I had tried harder, or pumped more, I could of made it to a year. I know I’ve done the most I can, and baby will be just as happy and healthy on formula. Even though I have this guilty feeling, I am also so thrilled to eventually not have to do it anymore.

I only make 12-14oz a day now, pumping 2-3 hours. To me it’s not worth it to get less sleep, let baby cry, etc to pump for that long to only get 2-2.5 bottles of breast milk. At the same time though, that’s 2 bottles of my milk he could have instead of formula. Just don’t know how to feel ;(