Family is family… right?

*bear with me, I know this is going to be long*

Early in 2020 I lost both of my grandparents (they had 4 daughters: my mom and my 3 aunts). My husband, myself (pregnant at the time, due in December), and my daughter (born in January) were looking for a bigger house to rent. Since my grandparents house was sitting empty, my family offered for us to move in. We paid rent, security deposit, paid the utilities, etc. We moved in on September 1, 2020. My aunts & mom came over on October 1, 2020, and told me they wanted to sell the house ASAP and that we needed to start looking for a new place to live. My husband and I are upset, confused, frantic to find a new place. We looked for a new place but found nothing that would suit our growing family & price range. Our son was born mid December. On February 5, 2021, my mom & aunts came back over unannounced and said that if we didn’t move out in 30 days, we would be evicted. I was calling every rental/apartment complex I could think of. Everyone was full or out of our price range. We lucked into a family friend knowing our situation and had a rental for us and we moved February 12th. We paid him (our new landlord) the security deposit, and he said not to worry about the rent since it was almost the middle of the month, just pay March rent on the first. My family still made us pay full rent for the month of February. My husband wants nothing to do with them, and I honestly don’t blame him. I don’t have the courage to tell them how awful that was to do to us. When I talk to my mom she says “you knew you were going to have to move out eventually” or “I had no control” (that’s false because everything in the will/house/cars/etc. had to be voted on by the 4 girls).

So, what would you do? How would you handle the situation?