Really need to vent..


Hello everyone back on here again..

so my bf and I aren’t together it’s very complicated I’m back home.. with my daughter she’s about 5 weeks exactly and her dad keeps texting calling me.. but I don’t answer becuz I left his family house.. being home sick sucks! Been there for 6 years.. and now that I’m home.. ( so when I said I wanted to go home, her dad made it a BIG PROBLEM. Got his family my family involved. To the point where he told me to fucking get out! And I did.. ) but is it wrong for me to not answer his calls or anything?!

I don’t like his home out that way it has to many people living there and to much drama pretty much. So idk anybody give advice??!

He wants her for a week, and he says I should have her a week also but isn’t she to small?!

There’s a 100 miles difference..

Someone please advice ?!? I’m