Met my dad two years ago ❤️


When I was 19 I took it upon myself to look my fathers name up online and call him. Now my mom was not having it and at the time told me if I wanted to have a relationship with him I have to do it outside her house , so I moved out 🤐 I met my father and my brother who’s 19, and found out I have another brother who is 13. I lived with my dad for 6 months and it was really awkward . I was so used to it just being my mom and I , growing up an only child. I didn’t know what it was like to have a father or to be a sibling. Long story short , I didn’t want him to miss out on his granddaughters life like he did mine. I’ve known my dad for 2 years but I can honestly say he’s like my best friend, he’s still learning to be a father to a daughter but he’s doing great so far & by the looks of it he’s an amazing grandfather. (Pictures from when he came to visit over the weekend)