How much is too much?


Graphic content warning. Background: period 3 weeks late. Faint positive HPTs for the first almost two weeks, followed by negatives. I started cramping and bleeding bright red blood last night. Filled my menstrual cup by morning (it has measuring marks and holds 40-50mLs). I just discovered I overflowed it in three hours. It filled completely and overflowed enough to cover my underwear. I was cramping heavily enough this morning that I struggled to focus on taking care of my kids. I’m not in pain now, but am concerned about how much I’m bleeding. I’ve bled more in less than 24 hours than I typically do in an entire normal period. Also, each time I empty my cup, I am shocked to see the darkest blood and mucus I have ever seen come out of me. I would appreciate input from anyone who may have had similar experiences.