Advice? Pleaseee


It's been 7 months since we started trying for a baby. It'll be my 3rd. I'm 3 days late..but I know my period is coming. I've had every symptom of my period as usual. Horrible acne, greasy nasty skin, cramps, depression, extreme extreme anxiety. Which all were more intense than usual. No signs of a baby. It'll be my 3rd and his too. First together tho. His youngest is 5 and mine is about 4. We both can have kids without issue as far as we know. The past 3 years I've been on and off the shot and pill back and forth. (I was the same way before I got pregnant with my 2nd an that didn't affect it) but maybe this time around it is. None of the kids we had before we planned. All were accidents, we were very very young. I was 15 and 18. He was 15 and 16 with his. We are 22 now. I'm on no medications and been off my pill since beginning of january. We do not use a Condom. Don't pull out. We have sex atleast 2-3 times a day every single day. We've been maybe 3 days without sex since January. So why isn't it happening for us? Ik this all sounds dumb and crazy and your all not doctors. But I could use some advice. I just feel like giving up. Every month hurts. I know my period is coming. Why is it playing games with me??? (My period has been regular the past 5 months) so this is unusual. But I have already took a test 4 days ago. It was negative. So I know I'm not pregnant. I'm sad and frustrated.