Still too early?


The only thing that was positive, were my hopes..

Swear I had every sign and symptom in the book.

Flo says I’m 4 days late, Glow says I’m 1 day late.

I’ve been nauseous on and off for about a week. I have no interest in eating.

I usually don’t get tender breasts, nipples or swollen breasts around PMS. And they’re currently not sore, just look a little more than a hand full to me lol.

I have been cramping on and off for the last two days. This afternoon I had the weirdest cramp ever!! Like something inside me was clawing at me with nails 😂 right around my navel, no more than two mins and went away.

My CM is like Niagara Falls. It’s pouring out of me, literally. Every time I use the rest room, a glob or two is in the toilet. Three days ago it was egg white consistency, now it’s more watery. My cervix is high and my emotions, yeah well, they’re like the stock market 🤣📈📉

Could I maybe have tested too early?

I just really wanted to test. Lol it was an afternoon void and a $1 test. I have 2 more $1 tests and 2 First Response tests that I will save for an AM void.

As everyone on here, I just REALLY WANT TO KNOW!!😭😭

Taken 7/22 am