Fed up


Feeling very fed up now at 39w5d and ready for my baby boy to make his appearance. This is my first baby and I had a really smooth pregnancy up until the last few months. Since then I’ve had multiple reduced movements, baby was breech so we had to have him turned round and as of last night I’ve just been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Luckily it hasn’t become preeclampsia, but I’m having to be monitored just incase it changes.

They decided it was best to do a sweep to try to get him out but everything is closed up so it wasn’t possible. They won’t look at induction unless the blood pressure gets worse either, so I have no sign of baby coming any time soon and most likely going to have to wait until 41w5d until they offer me induction. I’m just feeling so fed up with no end in sight 😩😢

Is anyone else feeling this way? I know I’ll probably miss being pregnant when he does come and keep trying to tell myself that, but it’s so hard not to get down when there isn’t any signs of baby arriving soon.