HCG not doubling every 48 hrs

Alyssa • 🌻💝🌻

5 weeks 4 days today. On Sunday I experienced spotting when I wiped. Monday it was in my underwear and when I went to the bathroom. Went to ER. They could not determine the cause of the bleeding. They did blood work, urinalysis and internal ultrasound. They could not see anything yet on the ultrasound and said this is either normal or early signs of miscarriage. They ordered serial blood work and another ultrasound by my gyno. Went to quest yesterday for the blood work. Started spotting again yesterday. Some lighter than period cramps as well. Quest sent the results to me online as well this morning which was 355. I am going up quite a bit, but not doubling every 48hrs. Is this normal. I never had any of this with our first 2 pregnancies. I know I should wait to hear from the dr as well, but I am really worried. Any thoughts?

7/19-209 hcg

7/21- 355 hcg