My baby boy has arrived!! (Long Post)

Praising the Lord for His protection throughout this entire process. On Tuesday my husband & I came to hospital not knowing what to expect. My doctor had scheduled an induction for me for 39w since I was diagnosed with GD.

We came in at 10am. Got checked in & settled into triage. Decided on what option for the induction with our nurse & midwife. We chose cytotec/misopropol. We were suggested the foley bulb but did not go with it because we didn’t want to be sent home to wait for 12 hours.

When we were finally admitted at noon, we waited around until 1:45 when I was finally given my first round of “miso” (misopropol) the nurses called it. Was expecting the contractions to pick up, but nothing happened. I kept having bh contractions which weren’t out of the ordinary, they just became more consistent. I was getting them every 8-10 min. This lasted for quite a while. After the second dose of “miso”, things started to pick up. But I kept thinking how slow this process was. Night soon crept in & we had met so many nurses who came in every new shift. I just wanted to meet my baby. I kept hoping the medication would do it’s job & that labor would kick in.

I got a cervical check which showed I was 5cm. I thought I still had a ways to go.

I finally got my 3rd & final dose of “miso” at 11:00pm. I tried to rest since the whole day, I was too excited to sleep. Every time I’d fall asleep, a nurse would pop in or the monitors would start beeping. This went on for the next 4 hours. I started to feel very uncomfortable in the early morning. I had a strong sudden urge to bear down/push. I called the nurse to ask for an epidural which was always on my birth plan. The nurse who was on shift was sweet, but kept offering me fentanyl instead. She kept saying that I was only 5cm & should wait. She also kept telling me to breathe through the contractions which I already knew to do, but my body had the strongest urge to push. Finally, she saw how desperate I was & how in pain I was & called for the anesthesiologist. I had to hold/squeeze my husband’s hand. The pain was incredible.

The anesthesiologist finally came in. Within 15 min of setting up, I finally got my epidural. It took time to kick in & by this time, the contractions were so strong. A midwife came in & gave me a cervical check. I was at 10cm. I knew I was no longer at 5cm. Time & time again I’ve seen mamas on here say that they were glad they listened to their bodies. True enough, I’m glad I listened to mine.

After pushing for 1 hour & 20 min, I heard my baby boy’s cries & he was laid on my chest. He was perfect. He was beautiful. He is a gift from the Lord!

My family & I couldn’t be more thankful, happy & relieved. Our son is finally here!

Congrats to all new moms, second, third, fourth, time moms!! Pp is hard, but we got this!!

To all mamas still in the waiting game. I definitely know what that is like. Hang in there, your time is almost here… It could be today! ❤️ There’s only 1.5 weeks left in July.