5 weeks and 3 days and the nausea is ramping up


I had hyperemisis with my first, started before I even knew I was pregnant. This baby i havent had much nausea at all! This morning I had a little bit of nausea but right now the nausea has ramped up and im starting to remember those feelings of my first pregnancy!

Hopefully it doesn't turn into hyperemisis this time round but I guess its going to be what it is going to be! Im so scared because this time I have a toddler to look after 😭 it was hard enough the first time (that hard that I was contemplating not having a second)

I thought I was ready but I'm not ready to be sick for the next 8 months 😭

I hope it goes quickly!

Not much point to this post just wanted to get my little misery and fear out!