Weaning from breastfeeding/pumping. Going to be away from baby for 5 days

Bessy • I have no idea what I’m doing…

Hi mommies (and daddies?)! I’ve been slowly trying to wean from the pump, as I feel DD and I’s breastfeeding journey has come to an end. She is about to be 6 months next Wednesday.

So I was basically EPing with nursing sessions every morning and sometimes at night. I would pump every 2 hours for 20min in the beginning, and after 4 months I would pump every 3 hours for 20min. This last month I started my weaning adventure by stretching the pumps to every 3.5 hours for 17min, gradually stretching the time between pumps and shortening the sessions. As of this moment, I have been pumping every 4.5-4.75 hrs for 12min. I still nurse her every morning.

I’m going to be going on a trip on August 6-10 (5 days) without my baby, and hope that I won’t be lactating anymore by then. Is this realistic? I’ll be going to a theme park for 2 of those days and I’m really hoping I don’t have to take a pump or anything. Any tips? Tricks? Should I stop nursing her in the mornings now? Thanks in advance!