

13 dpo today (estimate) prego digital not pregnant. Should be happy right. I’m not. I ended things with a guy I was messing with for the last year. We weren’t exactly committed but it’s not like we were seeing anyone else. Well I said something today and it hit him where it hurt. I sent this huge long text about how I feel about him and how I want to be his rock and he went cold on me. So I got hurt. It’s constantly an emotional rollercoster with him. And I said for the millionth time that I was done. And that’s when I said something that hurt him good. He basically told me to never contact him again and that he’s deleting my number. And I should do the same. And I believe he actually blocked my phone number. I should be happy right? But I’m not I feel like death.

He’s dealing with a dui charge and he’s been dealing with court for a year and all the bullshit and he tells me he doesn’t feel the same way about me as I do for him at least not right now and probably not ever. And that just stung so I told him I hope he goes to jail because this way he will be gone. And well I’m was extreamly hurt because I gave him everything and tried to when I couldn’t. And made me feel like I was nothing but a toy. I was wrong and now idk what to do or think or even feel. Just lying in bed probably going to cry and go to sleep even tho it’s only 550pm