Got our first ultrasound— any guesses on the sex? 😍

A • Mama. Currently TTC #2 🤍

I’m 12 weeks and 5 days today 😍

Went into my ultrasound thinking I was 11+5, but little bean was measuring ahead at 12 weeks 🥰

Baby was just streeetching out and relaxing in there!

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Oh my gosh !!!!!! 🥺😻😻😻 I feel like im this baby’s distant spiritual aunty 🤗 what are some of your symptoms ?!


Tsiann • Jul 29, 2021
Awwhh!! 🥰💖 so excited for you guys! My friend had terrible morning sickness & she had a girl. My mom also said hers was bad. Maybe if you haven’t it that bad & it’s slowing down you have a little baby boy in there 💙 salty cravings are supposedly a boy too


A • Jul 27, 2021
You basically are!! 😭❤️✨ Morning sickness is sloooowly making it’s exit, I’m definitely starting to show more 🙈, the only severe cravings I’ve had so far is for pizza LMAO, and the girdle pain is definitely already trying to show its head— my sciatic is insane 😂❤️