If you see someone in my situation, please do what she did

So I get a text last night at 7pm, it’s my best friend “get dressed up like your going clubbing I want makeup, hair, a slutty dress everything and meet me at the mall at 8:00” So I get ready and head to the mall in my car but there was no parking so I had to park in the very back of the parking lot a little ways a way from the mall. So I meet her and ask what we’re doing and she tells me we are going to the food court and a movie so we got all dressed up to go to the food court and the movies lol. By the time we ate and the movie was over it was 11:30. And the parking lot was empty except for this group of like 6 guys (and this girl making out with another guy, all in the group) drinking and doing drugs and I had to walk past them to get to my car, my friend got me to get dressed up and stuff and they were whistling and cat calling and yelling things like “damn girl looking like a toy” and so I held my keys like one does when the feel scared and started walking faster as these men keeping yelling at me and all of a sudden I hear this girl yell “guys stop” so I turn around and stop waking she then continues to say “look how she’s holding her keys, she’s terrified, and your not helping by yelling things that make it sound like your going to f*king r*pe her, now shut up!!” It was the girl who was making out with that guy earlier. And she then gives me a look like “it’s ok, your safe, I promise, go home” I gave her a look of gratitude and left.

Now I highly doubt that that girl is seeing this but if she does, thank you so much!!! If you see anyone in my situation and you can something to help, help please do!!! It really makes a difference!! So if you have stuck up for anyone like this, thank you!! If you wanna share your story feel free to do here, this is a safe space.
