How do I prevent BV?

I went to the gyno because I had a yeast infection that wouldn’t go away. The symptoms were mild so I’d call my primary doctor and ask for diflucan. After diflucan the symptoms would ease up. A week later, they came back.

So I go to my gynecologist and I’m like hey I think I have BV.

And he’s like BV? Why do you think you have that? So I explained and he did the exam and he’s like “oh yeah classic symptoms of BV, but your cervix looks completely healthy but since you have an IUD I am going to check for all STIS too. “

So tests came back and I have yeast bacteria AND BV, and I’m negative for all STI’s and instead of antibiotics for the BV he gave me boric acid to insert into my vagina, that way it doesn’t make the yeast infection worse. (Antibiotics make yeast infections worse)

If you’ve ever used boric acid how did it work for you? Also I should have asked him wtf causes bv and how I can prevent it.

I wipe front to back, I shower using only water to wash myself and use clean underwear everyday. I don’t know how this happened to me

Y’all I am not gonna switch doctors. This is the only doctor I could find that could correctly diagnose me with PCOS and he helped me so much with PCOS and an insulin resistance that I lost 70lbs and am no longer at risk for developing diabetes. He’s board certified and the shit. This is the first time I’ve had BV and I am the one who picked boric acid over antibiotics that was my choice. I just forgot to ask him wtf I did to GET BV