Pregnancy after recurrent miscarriage


Is anyone in the same boat as me in February 2022 due date? I feel like I’m having trouble connecting to this pregnancy 🙁 and also so scared.

I was being seen at a fertility center (I had 3 unexplained miscarriages that occurred around week 6-7) and just got pushed out of the nest after my 9 week scan when everything went normal. They are sending me to a normal OBGYN now and I’m not ready! I felt so nervous having scans every week or 2 in early pregnancy but now I have to wait until week 12 and I’m so anxious 🙈

I just want to know if anyone is in the same boat as me. They told me to stop taking progesterone at 10 weeks and even that is making me nervous. Like I know I don’t know better than the doctors but I’m so worried.