Stepdaughter 😍


So hey guys my stepdaughter ( well boyfriends daughter ) I consider her my boyfriends daughter but you know lol anyways—she’s 3 about to b 4 in September and she’s one of the most beautiful , smartest loving toddlers I have EVER met. Her mom and I haven’t always gotten along and <a href="">eve</a> her dad and her mom. But I’m proud of us all for the growth. Her mom and I actually have a pretty decent relationship. We talk everyday, talk about shopping and what we gonna buy and do for her daughter lol yoh know girl stuff. But back to the story I wanted to tell lol, she had surgery today ( 3 year old ) on both of her eyes. And I’m kidding you not, her little butt just now went to bed( at her moms ) she has been turnt up and running around like her normal self ( at home with her sunglasses on ) like she never had it done lol. I know it’s been a few hours and there gonna b rocky days but I’m proud of her! Anyways, when I got off of work, and dropped my coworker off, her mom called all hysterical and crying because her daughter woke up from surgery in shock, throwing stuff, crying and screaming know scared and not knowing what’s going on and I zoomed up there so damn fast!! And her mom and the nurse said when she heard me on the phone saying I’m on the way she instantly stopped. And she waited quietly until I came. She wouldn’t let anyone administer her medicine but she let me. And I just felt so good inside, knowing that I am a safe positive role model to her. The relationship we have is wonderful , you’d think she was my daughter forreal lol. But yes even her mom was like “ that’s crazy how calm you make her “ it was like a sparkle or something in my heart..especially knowing how she is worn me . And I’ve been around since before she was even born. I didn’t introduce myself to her until she was a little over one to give her dad his 1on1s with her until comfortable..and I just appreciate her so much and vice know her is to love her and I’m actually proud of her mom , we came a long way. A VERY long way..& for her to put her child’s happiness before her pride said a lot to me today. I was already missing her ( even tho she FaceTimes her dad and I <a href="">eve</a> day lol ) but her last visit was two weeks ago. And she’ll b at home with mom for a few weeks. Then it’s time for preK and her birthday 🥳 yay. Anyways I wouldn’t trade her for the 🌎 I hope one day my first child will b as awesome as her. She’s a blessing forreal