TTC 6 months 1 ovulation

Vi • PCOS 🧡 Mum to a beautiful baby boy!

Hey ladies,

I'm just looking for sime advice, feeling very deflated right now 😔

I was diagnosed with PCOS in October 2020 and we decided to start trying in Feb 2021 once I'd cut out a few things like caffeine / refined sugars / gluten etc. As soon as we started trying I was using BBT to confirm ovulation & I've only been able to confirm ovulation once in 4 cycles in this 6 month period.

I'm from the UK and I'm wondering how long I need to wait before my doctor can give me something to help induce ovulation? When I last spoke with them in Feb they told me to wait a year before contacting them but I feel that's just a waste of a year if I'm not ovulating at all and they already diagnosed me with PCOS! I'm also a bit nervous to call them as I had to make a complaint last time, I just want to know if calling them now would get me anywhere or if they'd just tell me to wait another 6 month.

Thanks ladies xx