Is it wrong to refuse a Job cause of the Pay?

So my husband works security and it’s been in this company for like 3 and a half years, he started making 12.50 and now he makes 17.50 and he will be getting a raise next month… the downs side to all of this is that he mostly works nights and he’s tired of it so he wants a day job, so his boss knows this so he offered him to be permanent at a site where we’d be working dayshifts with weekends off… but of course he said that it only pays 16 an hour…

He talked to me first and the only think I said it wouldn’t be a good idea was cause of the pay, since we barely make it every month already and I still can’t work. I told him to tell his boss this reason but he refused cause he said he didn’t wanted to come off as an asshole or ambitious, that they were already talking shit about another coworker leaving for a better job and pay… And I’m just like “there’s nothing wrong with wanting to have a better life” … am I in the wrong ? Or is he in the wrong?

Any the end he ended up giving other reasons like he worked better doing what he was doing already etc etc… mind you he doesn’t get any benefits with them not even sick leave when we got covid and he gets call into work on his days off cause people don’t last at the job…