What would you do about postponed induction?

So I’m 40+3 now. I was placed on the induction list as next available which was for Thursday early morning however I never received a call to come in. I called after the timeframe like I was supposed to if I shouldn’t have received a call and they said I was #5 on the list.

I called later the same day just to check if my status on the list changed. All I got was “our patient to nurse ratio is overwhelming and we’re really backed up with inductions. I promise we’ll call you when we have a nurse and bed for you.”

It’s now day 2 that I haven’t received a call and it’s about that time of when I’m supposed to call to check my status.

Should I just leave it alone until they call me? Or should I still check in to ask? I don’t want them to forget about me or push me down the list… but I also don’t want to keep calling and come off as annoying. What would you do?

Also, yes, I know, baby will come when baby is ready. But I had to be induced with my first as my body never progressed. I was 4 cm on my due date 3 days ago, and had a sweep done then so I’m unsure of where I’m at now. I believe my body just doesn’t know how to go into labor and I need the pitocin to kick start it.