What in the world?!

I had to take my son to get some routine lab work done this morning so I thawed a bag of breast milk to put in his sippy cup for him while I was driving. I thawed it by running some warm water over it. After it was thawed I kinda squished the bag a bit to mix together then went to pour it in his cup, but realized it was separating like this. So I kinda sloshed it around some more and it separated again. I smelled it and it didn’t smell off or anything so I just gave it to my son and he drank it no problem.

*I will add that this milk was pumped 4/28 and about 5 days after my second covid shot. It was frozen right away. Any idea why it looks like this? Could it possibly be the antibodies from the vaccine? I honestly don’t remember the milk looking anything like this when it was freshly pumped. Even when it was frozen it looked normal. 🤔