Need to Vent!!!!!!


So I know a group of friends and it seem like they all sit around and have sex with each other. It's 3 females use to be 4 and 2 guys... So one of the females Is how I became acquainted with one of the guys. The 3 females are very very unattractive and one of the males is very unattractive as well. The guy I know looks okay but that situation makes him ugly. The reason why it's now 3 females is because one was suppose to have left the state. Then again that could be a lie but it'll still equal 3 because another on out of the 4 is a amputee. Her live in boyfriend/bd let doctors come in and cut her legs off due to her ignoring her health issues and still trying to live a normal life plus make her live in boyfriend jealous. This is the lady who introduced me to the one guy who looks ok... So I knew of the amputee because I worked for her as a homemaker before she became totally disabled. I use to hear her live in boyfriend bicker about some lightskinned dude which was the guy I met. So later her live in boyfriend ended up in the hospital and she told, "while her boyfriend/bd/hubby in the hospital her boyfriend comes over. So I didn't pay it no attention because majority of the disabled ppl be. Little mentally ill or have dementia. So one night I was out going to a store and ran into her, one of the unattractive females and the unattractive male and the guy she introduced me to. They were hanging out so the next day when I got to work he was there. He was very flirtatious and irritated the he'll outta me. So as days went on, he would call her phone to talk to me. I'd just hang up. He kept calling and calling even when I wasn't at work she'd give him her phone to call me on. So then he had my phone number. So next the female who suppose to have moved out of town called me. He was already telling me he had to break up with her because she schizophrenic. I told her I didn't really know him. My client knew her. So the client live in boyfriend got out the hospital and found out she had dude in the crib. He tried to become a little more strict I guess. He said he'll help me but I didn't know in what way. So he told me a few things about the guy. Later the Woman legs got.cut off but before this happened after she damn near forced me to befriend this guy, she said they use to f@[< ....I wouldn't in a million years expect that guy to have slept with that woman. She was friends with damnnear every woman he knew. His kids moms. The woman had a host of diseases. He have a lot of children so I think he used her to mess up a vagina. She still tries to get his attention but he's kind of messed up from seeing her with no legs. I'm wondering if she can still have sex. So the other ppl they still go by and help her. I quit she was in the hospital too long. And she thought I was going to still help her but would say she hope I don't poison her. SO She knew she wasn't right. She calls and say the other ppl whom I thought was friends, and say the unattractive chick is too fiesty and her and the unattractive male be stealing her money. So I decided to go through the guy phone who I was acquainted with and he was venting to the unattractive males babymama who live in Florida. He said he's over the edge he need sex and naked pictures. I couldn't believe my eyes. Because him and the unattractive guy claim to be best friends. So look like the unattractive guy let's the alright looking dude sleep with his chicks. Then I see him tryna link up with the unattractive female so called best friend whose saying she sick she not coming out. So now if he sleeping with his friend bm I'm sure thats y the unattractive female so feisty and stealing from the amputee. Oh and the unattractive guy he did like 20 years in prison so idk how he can call anybody his friend. Plus they all knew each other before he did his bid. The alright looking dude and the unattractive female (his friend chick) probably got kids they gotta hide. The alright looking guy is very fertile. The unattractive female friend is probably dying to talk to me because he calls her as a back up plan. I definitely want him out my life... im dying to ask her when the last time they fc%÷@ and did she know he was fckn the amputee and a schizophrenic chick. Plus inboxing his friendbabymama yall must lay up and have orgies.....UGHhhhhhhhhh!!!!!