Estranged sister

Hi there

So my sister and I lost contact.. I always ask her to keep contact and to meet up, she always tells me she'd love to but she's busy and she'll let me know when she has the time, and then nothing comes from it.

When our baby was born, she got a baby announcement, and I explicitly personally invited her over to visit our baby in message.

She told me she had a cough and she was going to let me know to meet up when it was over.

My baby is turning 1 next week and she hasn't met him.

I am debating wether I should or shouldn't invite her over again.

We're still not doing a party due to covid.. So it would be a personal invite again. (she usually does come to parties with an official written invite)

I guess it does kinda hurt when I see her Instagram full of pictures with her and her friends but she never has time to visit us.

My dad once was in her area and told her he was coming over via message, so they drove over there had an afternoon together etc.. When they left her place he sees that she had texted him back that they weren't home.

I really feel like.. Going over unannounced will be a bigger chance to see her than to actually invite her over 😕 then again, do I want to bug her if she doesn't want to see me?

(I would have to take 2 trains to get there, and take a walk to get to her place.. With a one year old and baggage.. While it's a 30min drive, but I don't drive 🤷🏻‍♀️)