Currently 15dpo


Been taking test like crazy lol only because this is my first time actually planning pregnancy my son I didn’t find out I was pregnant until I was 7 and a half wks

My period is now two days late 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💕💕💙 I’m sooo praying for baby dust

Any thoughts ??

Somebody lol I’ve had both egg white and milky white but now it’s just milky white I started having symptoms last week first it started with nausea from things I always eat 😩😩 like Chick-fil-A

Then my nostril was stuffy but I kept blowing our clear mucus

I am very fatigued I want to sleep all day I’m still nauseous to this day

And I’m constipated some days

Grand risings to you all