Pregnancy test circle things ?

So a while back ago I ended up dating a guy that I used to know when I was 15 an "was" kind of like friend's we ended up splitting going our separate ways. then later on over the years that pasted" we reconnected an started talking an we started dating, over some time we got engaged an was engaged a bit over a year he ended up slowly being mentally abusive an I didint see at first the red flags an more an more things got more abusive expect it became physically abusive......... thing's took a big toll of being abusive when the first time he got me " supposedly, accidentally pregnant an I was in fact pregnant" ( an I say suppose for a good reason ) but after I got pregnant after some time I miscarried...... wasn't my first..... I've had them even before being with him.....but I at first didn't realize it was a infertility issue . After we personally experienced ( our ) first misscarige ( together ) in a relationship he became highly mentally caused me thinking it's my fault that I couldn't with hold the child long then I tried ignoring the reg flag an thought maybe if I get pregnant that he would stop acting out the way he I talked to him about what if we tried to have another he was happy to hear that because all he wanted was to have a baby biologically his ( fyi I have one child an had him when I was 17 long story ) but anyways we kept on trying an trying delt with issues trying to conceive.........I bout almost gave he started to get worse an then just as I thought getting pregnant was Impossible an maybe not in my cards...... come to find out I was pregnant again but again later on well I was stupid also because I assumed his behavior was acted out only due to his first lost child I later became to realize how many lost kid's I've delt with.....over time an how we personally struggled to conceive....I then realized it was a fertility issue an that it wasn't my fault cause I can't control an know everything about what's going on inside my then eventually I found a old brand condom that we used to use before the first pregnancy we had come to find out I noticed that it was tampered then I realized he was trying to get me pregnant the whole then after asking him about it he started to be a bit violent to me "in front" of my child an started to be more harsh on then he even got more harsh towards my the point..I broke up with him an threw his ass out to the curb an then he tried to come back an sexually harassed me an wouldn't back off when I told him more then once to get away ended up having to call the police in the end also due to him stalking my more tho . So I eventually got out of a domestic he was my 2nd one that was violent towards first one was my first bf an is the baby daddy of my first born child . Well as I was still currently in the 2nd domestic relationship I got curious about what was inside the test an I notice this small circle thing that was placed away from anything else from the inside....did some small research an I heard that it's a plan B ? ......I kind of wondered if it was inside all pregnancy test . The HCG purple test had none but all the long sticks did I have allot more test . An I wasted allot of time an money on was kind of wondering if maybe anyone knew 100% a fact that it's true to be a plan B witch I think either supposed to help conceive or to stop the baby from growing? An if maybe since it was a over the counter preg test if maybe it's legal to sell them ? even if maybe having to ask for id to prove age before giving them away . An if I can sell them to maybe get a bit money back how should or would I go about that ???? . It's a good question to me.....also being that there's allot of them that I have due to lots of pregnancy test . I'm now 21 an I don't remember a whole lot anymore about plan B or anything like that an I don't see myself using them personally ever due to allot of reasons that's not just refuring to my beliefs to keep everything I decided to take within for it to be natural .