Should I be worried?

Would it weird you out if your SO had to go into the “office” to do interviews past 7 pm? This will be the second time he done this within the past week and for some reason I have a bad gut feeling. He has to do the interviews at a hotel right now since he is hiring for positions that are on the traveling crew. The last time he did this, he did not get home until nearly 10 pm. He says the people he interviews don’t get off work until late, but for some reason I still feel weird about it. Our marriage has been really rocky the past few months. He is also the one I posted about saying he doesn’t find me attractive anymore due to me asking/“nagging” when he will start to be more affectionate and act like he loves me again.

I also forgot to add that they don’t have an office in this area yet (currently building it), so the hotel is the only place they can really meet for meetings, etc. since the guys that work for the company stay there during the week.