Gender disappointment

So I wanted a boy so bad with my first and we got a boy! I was through the roof excited and loved being pregnant, the birth/delivery, everything!

With this pregnancy we were debating on finding out the gender and ended up finding out. I was hoping for another boy (I always dreamed of being a "boy mom") and we just found out yesterday it's a girl! I honestly cried all last night and just can't wrap my head around having a girl...I grew up with 2 sisters and I've never had that mother daughter bond and I'm not a huge girly girl, I hate pink hahah. So that's why i figured/dreamed I'd have boys.

Now I just feel like a horrible mom. One of my friends has done 3 rounds of <a href="">IVF</a> and they all failed so I know she just wants a healthy baby which makes me feel even worse about being so picky. I know it's out of my control what the sex is but I'm still hurt.

Did any of you have this? What made you get through it? I just wish I could stop crying...