HELP! Booty acne

Sorry for the photo of my tush y’all. I felt like that was the only way to show how bad this is though. I’m dealing with awful acne on my booty and I’m hoping someone has some tips to get rid of it.

Not gonna lie, we just moved to a humid climate and I get super sweaty, especially at work where I am required to wear jeans.

**I wash my clothing after each wear, shower daily (though I only wash my hair every 3 days), and focus on washing my butt cheeks really well. I’ve tried standard unscented soap as well as a high quality cleanser and neither seem to help. :(

I just started putting Differin gel on it so I’m crossing my fingers for some improvement! I’ve never dealt with acne before, even on my face and this is really painful and makes me feel really self conscious.

Please help and please be kind! Tips and tricks are needed and appreciated. ❤️