I feel like a bad cat mom :(


My husband has a cat, Toby, that he adopted 10 years ago. The cats about 12 or 13 maybe. Recently, at night and early morning he's been yowling and waking up our daughter(22 months). He drives me insane!! I can't fall back to sleep after I get woken up so I just lay there. My daughter sleeps pretty awesome and can sleep Through most things, except this non stop yowling. At 2am and 6am. He's also been using the bathroom on our carpet too. It's stressing me out, it's disgusting and annoying. He just started doing it when we moved to this new house a year ago. He's not sick, he eats as usual, gets plenty of attention, has lots of space, gets treats, regular grooming. He's taken care of very well and always has a clean litter box.

I'm getting to the point where I don't even like him being near me. I feel like a ln awful cat mom, but I'm grumpy when I don't get sleep and when I'm up at 6am with our daughter instead of 8 because he stands out side her door and yowls 😭 I'm just venting, I don't know what to do besides put him in his own room on the other side of the house when I go to bed.